Montessori Preschool/Kindergarten.

Early childhood education is the foundation of a child’s future development. It builds a strong base for lifetime learnings, abilities, perception, cognitive and social development.

Here at Prece, we aim to cover learning aspects such as practical living, independent skill set development, sensorial exploration, linguistic skills, science, and math.

The Prece Pre-school Difference

Three-Year, Mixed-Age Curriculum.

Mixed-age groupings or multi-age groupings is a primary curriculum where children from two to six years of age are placed with the same group and class. It helps the teacher create a profound relationship with the children and their families. Studies prove that the relationship between a caretaker and a child is more secure when it's longer. It supports the social and emotional development of a child. Whereas, frequent change in approach or caretakers can cause suffering and early depression in children.

At Prece, our teachers thrive on observing an individual child's skill sets and helping them progress in their interests. Our consistent, three-year program also gives children the freedom to pick up at their own pace.

Montessori Certified, and highly-trained Head Teachers

At Prece, we have a professional team of pre-school teachers. All our caretakers have a great educational background with a bachelor’s degree or an accredited Montessori training diploma. Our passionate teaching crew believes in providing thoughtful and solitary guidance to children. If you want to know more about our teaching staff, visit the school’s web page.

Child-led, uninterrupted time leads to exploration and concentration

Each child is unique in their way. Likewise, their pace of learning and observation is also different from one another. Generally, children cannot concentrate or focus for a very long duration. Some children take a long time to make connections and explore new things when compared to others. It is why caretakers need to provide kids with flexible spaces.

Studies prove that children tend to remain focused for long when they are involved in a child-led activity. Frequently switching between activities and hampering children with multiple adult-led sessions can harm a child's progress. Thus, caretakers need to turn into a child and follow their ideas to keep them occupied.

Teaching staff at Prece emphasizes balancing opportunities in different curriculum areas. We strive hard to support and organize a group of children and individuals so that each child can work independently on suitable activities.

Scientifically Designed Montessori Learning Material

We offer a wide range of learning opportunities that are way beyond just toys and playtime. We have well-designed classrooms equipped with scientifically designed Montessori materials. We have installed Large Bead Frames to teach the basics of math and botany Cabinet to challenge their learning abilities. We also have uniquely designed bells for musical education. All-in-all, we have everything that takes to build a solid base for a child’s lifelong well-being.

Children in Montessori are taught basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Learning math challenges them to excel in their learning abilities. It is crucial for children to love working with numbers during their early education. Otherwise, they lose the enthusiasm to learn math during elementary schooling.

A Well Structured and Prepared Montessori Learning Environment

Our goal at Prece is to foster independent children. The beauty of our preschool ambiance is the well-thought-out environment that encourages children to explore, communicate, and make new connections. We have low floral wooden tables, bright and glaring classrooms, clutter-free, and a complete peaceful bustle of practical learning. Our classes are thematic, happy, and evoke a friendly feeling. Prece is a desirable preschool where children can feel like home.

Areas of Focus

The Importance of Practical Life Education in Early Childhood

One of the hallmarks of Prece Early Childhood Education is the integrated learning methods that take advantage of the child's motivation towards learning these assets of life. In turn, it develops a sense of independence, motor skills, and the ability to manage one's actions.

The classroom-learning at Prece primary program focuses on significant Practical Life education and values. We teach children bit-by-bit how to be self-reliant and how to bestow for the betterment of society. We conduct activities that emphasize the essence of practical life and values. 

We teach children to prepare snacks, clean-up after themselves, take care of plants, paint, draw, cut, and sew. These adult activities grab the attention of the child and drive them to participate. These activities develop motor skills and build the ability to concentrate uninterruptedly. By doing so, they become not only independent but also capable, confident young individuals who can readily tackle life in the future.

Sensory Experiences in Early Education

A young child's cognitive skills develop when surrounded with innumerable opportunities to explore, interact, and play. Playing with clay, sand, water, or blocks are sensory activities that quickly grab a child's attention on attributes such as size, color, musical tone, etc. But they are not merely fun activities. It stimulates valuable active learning and supports learning and growth in multiple aspects of life.

Sensory activities involve mindful exercises that help children learn to observe, categorize, and organize their ideas swiftly. A child becomes capable of canceling out noise instead focus on what is important. Sensory exercises help build the nerve connection in the brain. It helps develop motor skills, linguistic skills, problem-solving skills, and scientific thinking. It activates them, and they develop the ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.

At Prece, we determine a child's early learning standards through his/her sensory experiences. We observe their pace of learning and progress in various areas to facilitate their cognitive development better.

Literacy and linguistic skill development in early childhood

According to Dr. Montessori’s research, the ideal age for developing reading and writing skills effortlessly is in preschool. Children develop the interest to read and write very early in their childhood. Reading storybooks and writing gives them immense joy. For instance, Montessori materials such as Sandpaper Letters help kids joyfully associate the shapes and sounds.

At Prece, children who join us at the age of three grow up to ace reading and writing skills by age six. We identify the difficulties faced by the child very early in the process of teaching. For children with slow learning pace, we have individualized instructions and unique approaches towards teaching linguistic and literacy skills.

Loving Math and Working Confidently with Numbers

Mathematics is a part of day-to-day life. It is vital to help children develop their mathematical thinking abilities. A child’s early math skills help determine their long-term academic progress compared to linguistic or concentration skills. Unlike complicated mathematical equations, Montessori math is far beyond calculations. It is colorful, carefully sequenced, and fun.

Children in Montessori are taught basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Learning math challenges them to excel in their learning abilities. It is crucial for children to love working with numbers during their early education. Otherwise, they lose the enthusiasm to learn math during elementary schooling.

Exploring a Larger World – Understanding Culture, People, Terrain and Animals 

Comprehensive reading requires in-depth knowledge. Preschool teaching methods focus on building vocabulary skills of children when they are highly absorbent. Cultural studies and geography help introduce children to a physical world that surrounds them. Having substantial background knowledge early in their childhood helps shape their experiences and influence their overall development.

Book a Personalized Tour.

Students are admitted to Prece Schools on a first-come, first served basis, subject to availability at the selected school. When you tour the school you will have the opportunity to observe children in the classroom. Seeing the classes in session is important and will help you understand how our classrooms work. We will also explain Montessori philosophy and answer any questions you might have.